Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hello there.

Well, I've finally done it. After falling deeply in love with the blogs of friends and strangers, I have started my own blog! Here goes nothing!

I love blogs. I love cooking blogs (Iowa Girl Eats, AngerBurger, Smitten Kitchen), I love homemaking blogs (If you do stuff, Our Mother's Daughters, Tater Tots and Jello), I love "general interest" (Cary Randolph, Kelle Hampton, Etc.). Home decor, parenting, and frugal tips- I adore blogs about all these things. However, I often find that these bloggers do SO MUCH! They are constantly churning out beautiful crafts, photos, dishes, stories, etc. I, however, barely find the time to even exercise properly. BUT! I like to do things and I want to share my adventures and encourage others to craft, sew, read, cook, decorate, and other awesome things, even if they don't turn out perfectly.

So, get ready for my thoughts put to print!

Note: I'm not sharing the addresses of my favorite blogs here because I'm not sure about the rules of all that. If you are interested (and I know you and you are not a creeper :) ), I will email you the list of all the blogs I follow. There are a lot.